Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

무지 코레

Moozicore 뮤직 스트리밍 블록 체인 서비스 란 무엇입니까?
Moozicore는 사용자가 듣고있는 배경 음악을보다 강력하게 제어 할 수있는 새로운 음악 플랫폼입니다. 제어 수준이 높을수록 사용자는 실제로 즐기고있는 다양한 채널을 청취 할 수 있습니다. 사용자가 듣는 음악에 더 많은 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 Moozicore는 음악 비즈니스 소유자와 연락하고 계약을 맺습니다. 플랫폼이 아직 제공되지는 않지만 2018 년 말까지는 사용할 수 있어야합니다. 그동안 개인은 플랫폼 개발에 대해 최신 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 
moozicore의 목표는 각 소비자를 대상으로 개인화 된 소셜 뮤직 만남을 만들어서 장소, 예를 들어 술집, 식당, 레크리에이션 센터 및 몇 가지 다른 오락 설정을 진행하는 것입니다.
Moozicore는 의심의 여지없이 바, 간이 식당, 운동 센터 및 각기 다른 소비자를위한 맞춤식 소셜 음악 만남을 만들어 몇 가지 다른 오락 설정 장소를 개발할 수 있습니다.
우리 행정부와 관련해서는 구매자가 오픈 음악, TV 프로그램, 인터넷을 중심으로 휴대 전화로 이상적인 삶과 발전을 통해 역동적 인 소비자 조우에 접근 할 수 있다는 것입니다. 구매자는 Moozicore 다용도 앱을 사용하여 멜로디를 선택하고 음악에 투표하고 다른 바 참석자와 만나고 웹 기반 네트워킹 미디어를 통해 공유하고 더 많은 설문 조사 모음을 제공합니다.
Moozicore는 장인과 서정 시인이 자신의 노력에 대한 합법적 인 보상에 이익이된다고 믿습니다. 우리 행정부를 이용하는 조직의 경우 Moozicore가 요청한 미국의 PLACA (Play Acty Rights Organization) (ASCAP, BMI 및 SESAC)의 실행 허가를받는 것이 중요합니다.
CHD knowledgeable 2017 보고서는 가까운 소리가 구매자에게 중요 할 때 미국에서의 작업에서 700.700 가지 이상의 설정이 있었음을 보여줍니다.
미국 음악 무역 수입 RIAA가 나타나 듯이, 음악을 쏟는 단계는 2017 년 미국 음악 산업의 소득 합계의 2/3에 불과하며 사건의 대부분을 촉발 시켰습니다. `쏟아지는 분류는 회원 관리국의 수입, 추가되는 라디오 행정을 부추 기며 요청시 누출 된 주관청을 보강했다. 미국 유료 음악 구독 수익 유료 회원은 2017 년 음악 사업을위한 가장 좋은 개발 동인이었습니다. 63 세의 전년도 금융 이득 개발은 회원 수입을 청색에서 40 억 달러 이상으로 끌어 올렸습니다. 혼합 된 시장의 47 번째와 함께, 미국 내에서 녹음 된 음악의 최고의 구성을 길게.습니다.
토큰 세일 정보
2018 년 11 월 26 일부터 2019 년 1 월 28 일까지 계속 될 수 있습니다.
MooGi (MooziCoin Gold)는 Moozicore 서비스에서 사용할 수 있도록 제공되는 ERC20 동의 유틸리티 토큰입니다. Moozicore의 MZG 이동식 응용 프로그램 지원자는 장면의 가까운 소리를 직관적 인 소비자 소싱 재생 목록으로 변경합니다.
2016 년 4 분기 
Moozicore 계획 수립
2017 년 1 분기 
통계 측정
2017 년 2 분기 
상표 기간
2017 년 3 분기 2017 년 
M & M 
그룹 최고 성장 로고
2018 년 1 분기에 
Moozicore 토큰 프리 세일이 다가 왔습니다!
2018 년 2 분기 
무대 전진 마무리 (HTML, iOS, Android)
2018 년 3 분기 
단계 베타 테스트 시작 
Moozicore 웹 사이트 파견
2018 년 4 분기 
Moozicore 토큰 공개 판매
2019 년 1 사분기 미국 Moozicore 파견 
2019 년 3 분기 
일본 Moozicore 파견
2020 년 1 분기 
중국 Moozicore 파견
정보이 사이트 방문 :
웹 사이트 : https://moozicore.com/
Bitcointalk 프로필 : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1523450;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0xC9ddD82074fF828FB01893C209c662F1ded226F2


Здравствуйте. Хочу представить Вашему вниманию интересный проект, который представляет собой услуги по организации музыкального фона для компаний, которым музыка важна в своей деятельности (рестораны, бары, спортзалы, спа салоны и так далее). В отличии от таких сервисов как Spotify, Tidal, музыка на Moozicore будет полностью лицензирована и одобрена правообладателем.
Владельцы компаний, заключившие договора с Moozicore, получают доступ к ресурсам из более чем 20 миллионов треков.
Целью Moozicore является персонализация музыкального сопровождения в различных местах, применимо к вкусам и потребностям их посетителей. Достигается это тем, что клиенты используют мобильное приложение от создателей проекта. С помощью него они могут выбирать различные песни, с возможностью голосования, взаимодействуя с другими, например, посетителями бара или спортивного зала.
Деятельность проекта Moozicore предполагает вознаграждение авторам музыки. Пользователи мобильных приложений, посредством токенов MZI & MZG будут использовать ресурсы сети. Данные токены, работающие на блокчейне Ethereum, могут приобретаться практически любой формой безналичной оплаты.
Приведу работу Moozicore на простом примере. Вы являетесь пользователем этого мобильного приложения. Когда приходите в спортзал, который также является участником данного проекта, вам уже не нужен плейер для прослушивания любимой музыки. Через Moozicore вы можете создать фоновую музыку из любимых треков, если пользователей несколько, то это достигается в порядке очереди. Такая же система применяется для других заведений.
Согласно дорожной карте развитие данного проекта предусматривает в первом квартале 2019 года запуск в США, в третьем квартале - в Японии, в первом квартале 2020 года, на очереди Китай.
Продажа токенов MZI GOLD состоит из трех стадий. Первая стартует 26 ноября 2018 года, далее идет вторая - 17 декабря 2018 и заключительные продажи начинаются 7 января 2019.
В заключении хотелось бы уделить внимание команде данного проекта, а именно главному инвестору. Им является известный многим Джон Макафи. Именно он продвигает данный проект, который, по его словам, достигнет хард капа. Поэтому, по мнению Джона, каждый должен внести вклад в Moozicore, делать это или нет, решать вам, но проект действительно хорош. Спасибо, удачи !!!
Белая бумага:https://tokensale.moozicore.com/whitepaper.pdf
Ссылка на покупку токенов:https://tokensale.moozicore.com/
Ссылка на официальный сайт: https://moozicore.com/

Ссылка на мой профиль БТТ : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1523450;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0xC9ddD82074fF828FB01893C209c662F1ded226F2


Moozicore - Âm nhạc dựa trên blockchain

Blockchain ngày càng tiếp cận nhiều lĩnh vực và đơn nhiên âm nhạc không phải là ngoại lệ . Moozicore là một ứng dụng phát nhạc trực tuyến phi tập trung dựa trên công nghệ blockchain . Chắc hẳn đã có nhiều lúc bạn đi đến những buổi tiệc , lễ hội hay bất cứ hoạt động giải trí nào và bạn muốn giây phút nào đó trong cuộc dạo chơi sẽ phát lên bản nhạc mà bạn yêu thích trong danh sách phát nhạc của những dịp đó . Và giờ điều đó là hoàn toàn có thể nếu bạn sử dụng Moozicore . Một đoạn video để minh họa cho điều đó :

Moozicore là một nền tảng âm nhạc mới cho phép người sử dụng nó có thể kiểm soát nhiều hơn đối với nhạc nền mà họ nghe , Moozicore kết nối và ký kết hợp đồng với các chủ doanh nghiệp âm nhạc để thật sự tạo nên tầm ảnh hưởng của người sử dụng . Dự án hiện tại hỗ trợ ứng dụng cho phần mềm android và ios . Trong hầu hết các trường hợp , các bài hát sẽ được phát dựa trên tính năng bầu cử , điều này có nghĩa chúng ta sẽ dựa trên số phiếu để quyết đinh bài hát sẽ được thêm vào hàng đợi , danh sách phát bài hát tiếp theo . Người dùng còn có thể chia sẻ trải nghiệm trên các mạng xã hội bằng Moozicore .

Những nhà đầu tư cũng như người dùng đều có thể mua MooziCoins (MZI) trực tiếp từ ứng dụng Moozicore trên điện thoại thông qua PayPal, Apple Pay (thiết bị iOS) hoặc thẻ tín dụng . Các MooziCoins (MZI) không có thời hạn và có thể sử dụng ở bất cứ nơi nào với Moozicore như một máy phát nhac . Về mặt pháp lí Moozicore là hoàn toàn được cấp giấy phép đầy đủ về mặt bản quyền . Với thiết kế đơn giản dễ sử dụng , các bài hát được cập nhật liên tục về độ nóng , tính năng tuyệt vời sẽ giúp Moozicore sẽ là một dự án có tiềm năng cực kỳ to lớn trong tương lai .

Chi tiết mã token :
Tên mã thông báo: MZI
Thanh toán được chấp nhận: ETH
1 ETH = 80000 MZI
Nắp cứng: 1953 ETH
Nắp mềm: 300 ETH
Đội ngũ và chiến lược :

Các bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm thông qua mạng xã hội của họ qua đường liên kết :
Liên kết:
Website : https://moozicore.com/
Whitepaper : https://tokensale.moozicore.com/whitepaper.pdf
Token : https://tokensale.moozicore.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Moozicore/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/moozicore
Telegram : https://t.me/moozicore
Bounty Active : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5070336.0

Bitcointalk username : aji28
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1523450;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0xC9ddD82074fF828FB01893C209c662F1ded226F2


Moozicore MZI

Music Streaming Blockchain Service Tokens

No name3.png
Moozicore  is a revolutionary background music service for businesses where music is very important for customers. Our service converts background music to interactive customers sourced from playlists. Unlike Spotify, Tidal or other non-commercial services, Moozicore will be fully licensed and legal for businesses of all types. Our solutions give business owners control over playlists and a better experience for their customers, with the opportunity to let them engage with music directly from their smartphone
With platform business owners, Moozicore gets access to the Moozicore Web Panel which allows to create their own vibrations from a licensed library of more than 20 million songs. You can also customize their music library by choosing from our genre-specific catalog, previously created playlists, making it yourself using special tools or importing their favorite playlists from Spotify or Apple Music.
Moozicore’s goal  is to develop places such as bars, restaurants, fitness centers and other entertainment venues by creating a personal and social music experience for each customer.
What is unique about our service is that it allows customers to access dynamic user experiences to engage with public music, TV screens, social media, and promotions directly from their smartphones. Customers use the Moozicore mobile app to choose songs, vote on music that comes, interact with other bar viewers, share on social media and also review special bar offers. Mozicore believes that artists and songwriters deserve proper compensation for their efforts. For any business that uses our services, get a performance license from the US Rights Organization (ASCAP, BMI & SESAC) requested by Moozicore.
With Moozicore Mobile App patrons control music in places using Coins with:

on music that will affect when played
from the library place it was pre-approved to be played next
to where the playlist is currently at the end of the queue
playing on social media with photos and Friends ‘tagged’
Mobile users can buy Coins directly on the Moozicore application on their smartphones using MZI & MZG tokens or through Paypal, Apple Pay (iOS devices) and with any credit card majors. Coins will never expire and can be used at any location with Moozicore as a music source.
To create a more attractive experience for customers and improve restaurant marketing using the Moozicore App, a beacon solution for iOS & Android platforms provided by leading IoT technology system providers. Our services use beacons to target anyone who has an application around the participating locations. After that the song flare sent their push notification greetings by name, telling them that the place near them was supported by the Moozicore platform and finally their favorite songs were added to the queue.
New research from Technomic’s Consumer Brand Metrics (CBM) revealed a strong relationship between restaurant vibrations and customer satisfaction.
A strong majority of 91% of diners eating restaurants say that atmospheric influences attract their decision to visit certain concepts.
For fast food restaurants, 84% of customers say it is important that the units they visit have a warm and comfortable atmosphere.
In all measured restaurant segments, Gen Z and Millennial consumers prioritize music 
52% of the younger generation say that choosing the concept of music is an important factor in their decision to visit casual dining restaurants, compared to only 43% of older consumers.
98% of consumers who judge the atmosphere of the restaurant and the atmosphere of music are also considered very good in their overall visits (good or good).
75% of consumers show perceptions that are developed largely by the preferences of others.
Many tools and technology claim to be the best. But what 
is the most interesting form of entertainment in a restaurant?
When asked what consumers want to see on a digital screen in a restaurant or bar, music wins again:
Studies show that music preferences as a form of entertainment in restaurants and bars are related to all genders and generations.
79% of women and 77% of men say Listening to music is important to them as a form of 
Other engagement tools prove polarization far more: 67% of men feel watching sports is entertaining, only 39% of women agree.
49% of all said that the ability to use their cellphones to influence the background of a music restaurant is very important.
39% of all said that the ability to use their telephone to connect with restaurant social media channels was very important
43% of all say the ability to use their phone to share photos of their restaurant experience is very important
The Moozicore business model is based on three sources of income
For owners of monthly subscription fees, owners get access to a web panel that allows them to create playlists of millions of songs from the fully licensed Moozicore library giving the opportunity to let customers get involved with the music that makes up their smart phones.
Micro transactions
Customers place to pay with MooziCoins (MZI / MZG) to select upcoming songs, add songs to place playlists and request songs to play next.
Moozicore integrates background music services with TV screens in places to better 
engage customers and also allows on-site advertising for brands
MZI and MZG will use the current industry standard – Ethereum blockchain – to issue custom digital assets and smart contracts. By adapting to the interface of the ERC-20 token, MZI will be compatible with Ethereum with existing infrastructure, such as wallets and exchanges. Virtual Ethereum (EVM) enables the deployment and implementation of smart contracts, allowing complicated publishing rules for cryptocurrency such as MZI and MZG. EVM removes all trust questions and protects transactions from those who oppose fraud. These advanced features and dynamic ecosystems make Ethereum strong for Moozicore tokens. The integration of the Moozicore application with the Ethereum wallet provides MZI and MZG shipping owners and customers completely safe and easy as long as the sender and recipient use the Ethereum wallet.


Knowledgeable CHD 2017 Report shows that there are more than 700,700 arrangements in assignments in the US on purpose after the closing of votes is the key for buyers.
US Music Trade Revenue Like the RIAA, it seems that spilling the stages of music speaks only of two-thirds of the combination of the income of the US music industry in 2017 and drives most of the shows. `Shedding classification includes income from membership administration, radiating additional radio administration, and supporting administration of on-request shedding. US Paid Music Subscription Revenue, paid membership is the driving force for the best development for the music business in 2017. The development of financial benefits for six years out of the sixty-three sent adds to membership income of more than $ 4 billion, creating it by protracted recording the best configuration of music recordings in the US, along with forty-seven mixed markets.



BETWEEN November, twenty-six, 2018 AND January twenty-eighth, 2019
MooziCoin Gold (MZG) is an approved ERC20 utility token offered for use in the Moozicore Service. With persecution, MZG in the Moozicore application, a moveable application, turns the close sound in the scene into a playlist sourced from intuitive consumers.

Use of FUNDS



4Q 2016
Moozicore’s plan was made
1Q 2017
Statistical measurements
2Q 2017
Trademark time period
3Q 2017
M “in the best startup logo in 2017
Group growth
1Q 2018
Moozicore the preSale token with a tiring stamp is coming!
2Q 2018
Final stage progress (HTML, iOS, Android)
3Q 2018
The beta testing phase starts
Moozicore shipping website
4Q 2018
Public Sales of Moozicore Tokens
1Q 2019
Administration allows completion
Moozicore sent in the US
3Q 2019
Moozicore shipments in Japan
1Q 2020
Moozicore shipping in China

Profile link Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1523450;sa=forumProfile

ETH : 0xC9ddD82074fF828FB01893C209c662F1ded226F2

Senin, 25 Februari 2019


Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is GoWithMe, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

About GoWithMi

The GoWithMi Project is currently building the world's first complete decentralized location-based service (DLBS) infrastructure.

And this platform aims to provide a complete and reliable exchange of geospatial values ​​for large-scale trade ranging from data, computing, personal terminals to commercial ecology, and to create a multidimensional, safer and smarter value stream, complementing the last key component of the blockchain to empower real economy application.

And for users who like to do business offline business to jump into a new era of programmable business, and enter the complete circulation ecology of their own business in chains and outside the Turing chain.

Discover your desire in the GoWithMi consensus geospatial ecological network which consists of the production of geospatial consensus data, spatial computing power networks, self-governing geospatial asset nodes, and support platforms for sharing business applications.

and also the DLBS Platform, super oracle, integrated map consensus, based on consensus algorithms to motivate participation and achieve benefits for everyone, cross-chain support for all blockchain platforms, one-stop support for all applications that take location-based services, so that it will enable businesses offline gets better.

Key features of the GoWithMi platform


GoWithMi will completely decentralize the core component of the Internet ecosystem geolocation service, making it the core component of the entire blockchain network, and can be freely invoked by various upper-layer applications of the Internet and blockchain networks.

GoWithMi's decentralized location-based service (DLBS) features cover a complete set of systems of map location, search and query, route navigation, peripheral and traffic information search, spatial smart mining, etc. All data and services are run on GoWithMi’s innovated the world's first "spatial computing blockchain network Gaia". 

Gaia can realize storing full data on the chain, considers the decentralization of the POW and the high efficiency of the EOS, access equal rights mining of all objects and being able to resist "mining pool control". Consequently, allowing the decentralized operation of the location-based service system will never end, monopolists no longer control the business lifeline of the corporations, and that the personal trajectory privacy is no longer occupied and used without compensation.

Super Spatial Oracle

When all blockchains are applied to reality, they will encounter an ultimate problem: how to connect the “untrusted” world outside the blockchain to the “trusted” world within the blockchain? This requires a "trusted gateway mechanism." GoWithMi provides such a trusted gateway mechanism.

GoWithMi super spatial oracle provided a "trusted gateway mechanism” of original blockchain and required for all smart contracts related to location-based services, linking the two different worlds on and off the chain with “trusted” mechanism. 

It can provide a trigger response of trusted location-based data for smart contracts, allowing programmable network machine of Turing-complete, which is represented by Ethereum to seamlessly integrate with offline business, actively promote the rapid development of location-related distributed industries such as share travel, tourism, food delivery, express delivery, positional precision advertising, and behavioral credit finance, allowing the offline business to leap into an era of programmable business.

Consensus Map

In the world, there is 60% of the regions and 4 billion populations still unable to enjoy the same quality map services as the developed regions. The reason is that the scale of map data has traditionally relied heavily on global employment collection, which is a high cost that even Google can't afford.

The GoWithMi Consensus Map has taken a new approach creating the first series of “spatial consensus mechanism” that allow people in any corner of the world can jointly maintain a “world map data book” without any threshold. 

We through the exquisite design of the consensus game mechanisms such as POM (Proof of Mapping) and Spatial Bancor, subversively solve the core problems of map industry including cooperative production, auto supervision and value evaluation, breaking the boundaries of human labor organizations, allowing people to jointly build, maintain, and share a “world map” without any thresholds, and providing contributors with a fair return and let the people all over the world can enjoy the equal quality digital travel services.

Token Mechanism

Double Token Design Principle

To clarify the benefits, governance, and rights of different participating roles, to facilitate the introduction of real business value, to achieve financial closure, and to effectively stimulate community contribution, GoWithMi uses GMAT and GoZone double token design, specifically:

GMAT is the value measurement, storage and incentive tool of GoWithMi, and the general credentials for driving the map ecological construction. All services on the platform are settled using GMAT for payment and settlement, and GMAT holders have the right to vote for community voting related to their token holdings. The total amount of GMAT issued is 14.9 billion, and it will never be raised. The total amount of GMAT issuance anchors the livable human area on the earth's surface, enabling the 100 GMAT to represent the sum of the geospatial data economy corresponding to1square kilometer suitable for human habitation.

GoZone is a credential for ERC-721-based virtual land rights on the GoWithMi platform. It is used to drive geo-autonomous autonomy, issue internally and it can only be purchased through bidding using the GMAT. GoZone's owner’s own ownership in the region (including operating rights and income rights), and the dividends are more than60%. Go Zone is freely circulated with in the platform, with a total issue of 1million, and will never beraised.

The Distribution Plan of Token

Table1The Distribution Plan of Token

Token Exchange Usage Plan

Table2 The Token Usage Plan



To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

WEBSITE: http://gowithmi.com/

WHITEPAPER: https://www.gowithmi.com/whitepaper/index.html

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gowithmi.global

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GoWithMi_GL

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gowithmi_en

Profile BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1523450;sa=forumProfile

ETH : 0xC9ddD82074fF828FB01893C209c662F1ded226F2


GoWithMi, without a doubt, does primarily the commercial infrastructure of the integrated decentralized expert service (DLBS) in a particular world. This means creating a generic, reliable geospatial cost recovery service plan developed for the large-scale business sector from details, schemes, an airport’s own terminal, to be able to commercially consider the environment, and even generate benefit statistics multidimensional, less risky and better balance a much more important element blockchain so that you can authorize a valid application form for the current economic climate.

GoWithMi's geospatial environmental agreement, consisting of a mobile telephone network, includes the development of detailed geospatial agreements, the creation of an energy planning community, a self-organizing geospatial ownership node, and even an organization program support stand. Attached is DLBS, excellent Oracle, and even the complex principle of agreement charts, using a formula so that you can react faster and additionally gain an advantage for everyone. to the location expert services based on real events, they enable real home business to bounce off of innovative technologies in pre-business enterprises and even have an excellent attitude towards consistency, as well as from the whole chain of self-regulation of Turing Internet business. ,

Advantages of the project 
Modern world Prime Squad: Solutions Surgical procedures Options for traders

Any creator of this work is often a major global professional guide, a successful permanent owner of online business, boasts an extensive idea of ​​managing recommendations in the global community of schedules and, moreover, owners of many global solutions. Any technical director in the assignment concerns the original owners associated with the management of this mobile phone during the Far East. One of them is superior technology, qualified in a worldwide location-based discipline (LBS), and it also pushed his or her group to improve the generations within the framework of VESA as a whole along with technology. The appointment technology consultant is truly a novice participant in the city of Bitcoin, along with an improvement on Ethereum. The following contain a rich pile of products based on location, placement goals, wireless network,blockchain, as well as full technological innovations, within the framework of reliable system capabilities and business performance; In addition, this idea attracts the attention of the global business guide, the blockchain sector, along with the best experts in the field of applications.

As a rule, the primary market guide in version 3.0, which includes the full age of the guide: a comprehensive agreement ensuring excellent accessibility of the insurance policy

GoWithMi, as a rule, brings the international community guides to make sure that you immediately jump over “1.0 digital camera card”, “2.0 crowdsourcing card” in the “3.0 Comprehensive era of agreement guide”, which, in turn, absolutely points to excessive policy coverage plus excellent diversity within 1.0, as well as low-cost real-time capabilities in only two. 0 variations. This was proven in Jakarta, the Philippines: they received parts in just 3-4 months using almost zero charge, increasing the solidity of the search engine diagram compared to the instances, plus good files were evaluated using a scrupulous preliminary inspection of cars conducted by a majority of world, and, as a rule, are taken into account in the total number of purchases from dealers of cars and trucks.

Observed products in addition to the limitless current market: mobile products hope to become the first colossal utility in the blockchain world

A GoWithMi mobile transport product or service usually requires several pain factors and anti-aging areas from the owner: usually starting with an individual goal of suffering is actually an extreme blockage of this poor commercial infrastructure of large cities and cities with growing cities, and then the subsequent goal of suffering there will be security in regards to personal privacy. Typically, visitors can use a product or service so that you can dig, as well as make a profit, which may be the first goal of the new owner, and then the personal data files of the site owner may increase the price on their resource, which may be a real incentive factor. He is able to quickly eliminate the difficulty of the initial difficulty, as well as immediately sort any continuum, in particular,change your items using ordinary resources and also has great benefits for visitors. Today, when this Indonesian market does not need large-scale online marketing, as a rule, the completeness of engine preservation increases to 1 million + over 5 months, and then DAU increases to 20,000+. If GoWithMi multiplies your insurance plan, and then the fair will increase costs in the market, then you will need to reach 1 billion DAU over the next calendar year, and also expect that you’ll actually make fantastic utility in your blockchain around the world. and then DAU - up to 20 000+. If GoWithMi multiplies your insurance plan, and then the fair will increase costs in the market, then you will need to reach 1 billion DAU over the next calendar year, and also expect that you’ll actually make fantastic utility in your blockchain around the world.and then DAU - up to 20 000+. If GoWithMi multiplies your insurance plan, and then the fair will increase costs in the market, then you will need to reach 1 billion DAU over the next calendar year, and also expect that you’ll actually make fantastic utility in your blockchain around the world.

Current market positioning at the right time: in front of your next monetary white water - a promising industry in China, photographic equipment along with Latina U. s

Yahoo & Temasek reports that the continuum of the financial system of Southeast Cookware Net will increase sevenfold in the next 6 decades, exceeding 240 thousand dollars. At the initial stage of this project, the central market of GoWithMi stands out as awakening market segments in most parts of Asia, including in phototechnics, as well as in Latin America. The product is faced with an incredible, in fact several thousand, huge sector of the red coast through owners who are simply connected to this world wide web. Using a huge perspective on the guide sector in China in addition to a detailed study, along with the most popular community options, GoWithMi provides an excellent opportunity to become a localized, commercial location-based program infrastructure. Currently,GoWithMi provides you with the opportunity to establish in the south-east of Indonesia, where people with a population of 650 trillion will live, but within 12 months will fulfill plans for full coverage with dental services in south-eastern Asia. As a rule, in most segments of the pop-up market there is a problem with low financial opportunities. For example, a total of 260 people live in the Philippines, but, nevertheless, only 36% of them use payment cards when mobile phone use exceeds 60%. There is a risk that you will neglect payments by phone plus the direct cost of the Symbol. The ecology of GoWithMi charts encourages rich and high-frequency examples of the cost involved, such as taxis, transportation, reservations, etc.but within 12 months will fulfill plans for full coverage with dental services in south-eastern Asia. As a rule, in most segments of the pop-up market there is a problem with low financial opportunities. For example, a total of 260 people live in the Philippines, but, nevertheless, only 36% of them use payment cards when mobile phone use exceeds 60%. There is a risk that you will neglect payments by phone plus the direct cost of the Symbol. The ecology of GoWithMi charts encourages rich and high-frequency examples of the cost involved, such as taxis, transportation, reservations, etc.but within 12 months will fulfill plans for full coverage with dental services in south-eastern Asia. As a rule, in most segments of the pop-up market there is a problem with low financial opportunities. For example, a total of 260 people live in the Philippines, but, nevertheless, only 36% of them use payment cards when mobile phone use exceeds 60%. There is a risk that you will neglect payments by phone plus the direct cost of the Symbol. The ecology of GoWithMi charts encourages rich and high-frequency examples of the cost involved, such as taxis, transportation, reservations, etc.only 36% of them use payment cards when mobile phone use exceeds 60%. There is a risk that you will neglect payments by phone plus the direct cost of the Symbol. The ecology of GoWithMi charts encourages rich and high-frequency examples of the cost involved, such as taxis, transportation, reservations, etc.only 36% of them use payment cards when mobile phone use exceeds 60%. There is a risk that you will neglect payments by phone plus the direct cost of the Symbol. The ecology of GoWithMi charts encourages rich and high-frequency examples of the cost involved, such as taxis, transportation, reservations, etc.

Development Structure: Permanent Fiscal Unit Symbol

The personal economic dummy Expression, created with the environmental requirements, gets the Symbol with the help of a factor, accounting, and the benefits of spatial processing. In the high-frequency environmental protection request, as well as in use, not to mention Symbol's promise in managing the group, they can also consistently generate additional revenues in the garden country (for example, as part of the Business API), stopping a real zero-sum sport with using the blockchain environment providing the current improvement associated with the price of the token. GoWithMi contains a solid ambitious plus in the multibillion-dollar market of professional API applications due to the substantial cost of operation and even parking all the information using the blockchain, without occupying the details of users.

For more information, please visit: 

Website: http://gowithmi.com/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoWithMi_GL 
Telegram: https: //t.me/gowithmi_en 
Facebook: https: //www.facebook .com / gowithmi.global 
Youtube: https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCZna_eTs_eLBEjtvpTexMvw/featured recharge = 9

Profile Link BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1523450;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0xC9ddD82074fF828FB01893C209c662F1ded226F2